Dive into
The Menor Story
Founded in 1984, Menor is the creation of two school friends with a shared passion for the beauty of art and how it can be expressed through fine print and perfectly preserved with professional framing and handling.
Menor exists to put the wow on your wall - we’ve loved every step of our journey so far, we’ve honed our craft along the way, and the passion and artistry of our trade is woven into every interaction you have with our team. We are proud to be Fine Art Trade Guild certified.
We hope you’ll join us as our story continues to unfold…
Let us take you on a journey
The Menor story began way back in 1975, when two school friends, Andrew Menzies and Nigel Moore’s passion for photography was born. Joining their School Photography Club, they began to learn all about and fall in love with the world of photography and image production.
In 1980, their passion grew to include the world of video production - creating and running their Film Club (just before VHS began to gain popularity).
In 1982, with their A-level results not quite panning out as they’d hoped, they began dreaming of a way to turn their passion into a business.
Fast forward two years, in 1984 the pair began taking action on turning their dream of creating a professional image processing business into a reality. In the early hours of the morning of their bank appointment, they brainstormed names - agreeing on MENzies and moORe - and so MENOR was born and their journey began in Unit C of The Maltings in Sawbridgeworth.
In 1985, they moved from Unit C to Unit D2 of The Maltings - making space for a Dark Room each to deliver on the increasing demand for their professional photographic services.
In 1988, they moved to a larger space above three shops in Bell Street, Sawbridgeworth where they added professional machine printing and auto film processing to their services (see press clippings below).
In 1997, the team acquired the freehold of their studio in The Maltings, and in 1998 they add framing to their service repertoire - primarily for photographers.
In 2018, Richard of In a Frame began sharing the Maltings studio with the Menor team - further expanding the framing capacity and offering under Menor’s roof.
In 2019, guided by the overwhelming demand for professional framing services, the Menor team acquired Framers Corner - a wonderful, family-run business of 30 years in Harlow. Nick of Framers Corner still works with the Menor team at their Harlow studio - bringing with him his extensive knowledge and first-class customer service.
In 2020, ever-increasing framing demand leads to Menor’s acquisition of In a Frame where Richard officially joins the Menor team. Just before the pandemic hits, Menor makes an offer to purchase Streamline Imaging in Cambridge to further bolster their professional printing services.
In 2022, all Menor’s printing services are moved to the Cambridge studio to facilitate the expansion of the framing workshop at Sawbridgeworth and to scale-up production to meet ever-growing demand for both their printing and framing services.
In 2023, following a review of Menor’s services, the decision is made to rebrand and bring all three locations - Sawbridgeworth, Cambridge and Harlow under the Menor brand - each offering a holistic range of print and framing services to their valued customers.
Though many things have changed since Menor’s official inception back in 1984 - least of all Andrew and Nigel’s hairstyles, as the photographic evidence below proves - there are some core foundations which remain true to this day. Quality, Creativity and Craftsmanship have, and always will, be the lifeblood of our services and processes here at Menor.

Menor’s visual evolution…
As our team’s styles have changed over the years, so too has Menor’s! Take a look at our branding throughout the years - from 1984 through to our latest rebrand in 2023.